KAYU Home Page
Frequently Asked Questions

You must provide Erasmus requirements in your university. If you do, contact to your Erasmus Office to get started.

Most courses are taught in Turkish. However, depending on foreign students’ language preference the courses can be taught in English.

The allocation of ECTS credits to course units has been based on student workload required to achieve the learning outcomes of the course units. ECTS has been based on a full student workload and not limited to contact hours only. At Kayseri University, student workload is 1800 hours for an academic year, whereby one credit corresponds to 30 hours of work.

There are many accommodation facilities in Kayseri. There are residences around campus. If you decide to come, please contact to our International Office for help.

Before you leave your country please make sure that you have a valid health insurance that covers Turkey. Your insurance should cover 20.000 Euro for inpatient expenses and 2000 Euro for outpatient expenses. Please note that for students coming from Europe, AT11 insurance policies are accepted for residence permits, so it would help to obtain the document in your home country.