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Internationalization Policy
Internationalization Policy

Internationalization Policy

In today's economic, social, and political environments, where global relations and competition are increasing and changing rapidly, the relations of countries in their geographies and the contributions they provide become extremely important. Kayseri University, acting with the mission of being application and project-oriented, integrating with the business world, contributing to regional development and creating social benefit by training qualified manpower, and in this context, acting with the vision of being a pioneer and exemplary university, aims to create opportunities for international students, especially from countries with cultural and geographical proximity to Turkey, to study and to contribute to regional power primarily and the global power of our country. In this regard, Kayseri University is aware of the necessity of conducting education, research and development and social contribution activities without ignoring the internationalization dimension; aims to increase its institutional quality and capacity at the international level with the number of internationally qualified publications and citations, the number of projects carried out with international collaborations, the mobility of its academic staff and students. In this direction, by increasing the recognition of the university on a global scale, it will be ensured that the qualifications of the lecturers and students will be improved both by increasing the demand by international students and lecturers, and by increasing international mobility.

Since its establishment, Kayseri University, with the involvement of Turkey in the restructuring of the European higher education field (Bologna Process), aims graduates who are qualified to meet international expectations, with education programs created and constantly updated, considering the National Qualifications Framework for Higher Education in Turkey (NQF-HETR).

In order to achieve these goals, the University adopts the following policies towards internationalization in line with the Internationalization Strategy Document in Higher Education and KAYU 2020-2024 Strategic Plan:

• To increase the recognition of the university in international platforms, to become a regional centre of attraction especially in vocational and technical higher education,
• To increase the number of bilateral agreements to expand international mobility,
• To increase the number of international students and lecturers,
• To increase the number of students and lecturers benefiting from international exchange programs,
• To increase the number of internationally qualified publications, the number of citations and the number of projects carried out with international collaborations,
• To increase the capacity of academic staff to provide education in a foreign language with various supports,
• To increase the number of programs taught in a foreign language and the rate of foreign language courses in the curriculum,
• Carrying out studies to create international mutual education and training programs,
• To carry out studies to increase the number of departments and programs with international memberships and accreditation,
• To organize meetings to inform students, academic and administrative staff to encourage for mobilities.