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Job Descriptions
Job Descriptions

Office Structure and Organs

International Office’s structure and organs are as follows:

1. Presidency
2. Board of Directors
3. Coordinatorships
4. Specialties


Presidency consists of International Office President, Vice President, and Office Secretariat.

President and Duties

President; He is appointed by the Rector for 3 (three) years among the faculty members with international education and / or experience and is responsible to the Rectorate for the activities of the Office. The President whose position has been terminated may be re-appointed.

The duties of the President are:
1. To represent the Office,
2. To chair the Board of Directors,
3. To prepare the agenda of the Board of Directors,
4. To propose members to the Rectorate with the appointment of the Board of Directors,
5. To inform the relevant authorities about the Office's programs, studies and activities,
6. To ensure coordination between Office workers and their units,
7. To provide coordination between the University units on the issues related to the international relations of the University,
8. To determine the duties and responsibilities of the personnel employed in the Office,
9. To ensure that the office personnel work in line with the Office's objectives and / or programs.

Vice President and Duties

Among the lecturers who have international education and / or experience, a vice-president is appointed by the rector with the proposal of the president. The Vice President's term of office is terminated upon the termination of the President for any reason whatsoever. The deposed Vice-President may be re-appointed.

The duties of the Vice President are:
1. To assist the President in the work of the office,
2. To be a member of the Board of Directors,
3. To chair the Board of Directors when the President does not attend,
4. To carry out other duties related to the activities of the Office assigned by the President and the Board of Directors.

International Relations Office Secretariat

Office Secretariat is established within the Office to carry out the daily work of the Office and to assist the President, Vice President and the Board of Directors in the work and activities of the Office.

The Office Secretary is appointed as the office secretary of the staff with international training and / or experience with the recommendation of the President and the decision of the Board of Directors. The dismissal of the Office Secretary is carried out by the same procedure.

The duties of the Office Secretary are:
1. To fulfill the duties of the President, Vice President and the Board of Directors;
2. To coordinate communication and correspondence activities with institutions at home and abroad within the framework of the Office's activities.
3. To conduct and manage the personnel within the knowledge of the President,
4. Ensuring the conservation and preservation of the office's fixtures and other items.

Board of Directors and Duties

The Board of Directors consists of natural members and members with appointment. President, Vice President, Erasmus / Erasmus + Exchange Program Institutional Coordinator, European Credit Transfer System / Diploma Label (ECTS / DL) Institutional Coordinator, Mevlana Exchange Program Institutional Coordinator and Farabi Exchange Program Institutional Coordinator are the natural members of the board. In addition, 2 (two) members are appointed by the Rector for 3 (three) years upon the proposal of the President. In the recommendation and appointment of these members, the fact that the members have international education or experience and that the units’ operating in different fields of science within the University are represented as equally as possible within the Office are taken into account.

The Board of Directors shall convene upon the call of the Vice President in the absence of the President. The Board of Directors convenes with the absolute majority of the existing members. The simple majority makes decisions. When the President is unable to attend, the Vice President chairs the meetings. The duties of the Board of Directors are:

1. To make short, medium and long term plans related to the activities of the Office,
2. To determine the policies necessary for the Office to work in line with its objectives, programs and strategies,
3. To support the implementation of the University's internationalization strategy in coordination with other units of the University,
4. To discuss the issues on the agenda of the meeting prepared by the Chairman,
5. Establishing relevant units within the office for the activity areas, joining and removing existing units, assigning the unit responsible and changing the fields of duty when necessary,
6. To determine the personnel to be assigned to participate in activities in the country and abroad in relation to the work of the Office and the exchange programs carried out within the Office and to make decisions on the appointment of them.

University’s Program Coordinatorships

The coordinatorships of the University related to Erasmus / Erasmus +, European Credit Transfer System / Diploma Supplement (ECTS/DS), Mevlana Exchange Program and Farabi Exchange Program are subject to the Office in line with their own regulations. These coordinators are appointed by the Rector with the proposal of the President. The coordinators perform their duties in accordance with the decisions taken by the President and the Board of Directors as defined above.

Unit Coordinatorships

The unit coordinator is appointed to each academic unit (Faculty, Vocational School) with the proposal of the President and the decision of the Board of Directors. The coordinators of the units serve until the termination of their duties by the Board of Directors.

Each academic unit identifies one department coordinator for each department.

The unit coordinator may also be a faculty member and specialist working in the units of the University. University students can also be assigned to assist the unit manager for units that concern student activities.

The authority and responsibilities of the unit coordinator are determined by the Board of Directors upon recommendation of the President.


They are appointed by the Board of Directors with the suggestion of the president to carry out the administrative procedures of the exchange students and faculty members and the selected students and instructors.

The duties of the Specialists are:
1. Presentation of exchange programs within the University, preparation of promotional materials. Conducting correspondence with relevant universities, conducting and updating of agreements,
2. Making the necessary translations in Office works,
3. To ensure that the agreements and external relations arising out of all kinds of exchange programs and cooperation protocols are coordinated for the exchange of students and faculty members,
4. Providing the statistical information and annual reports related to the annual performance program of the unit to be prepared and reported to the relevant locations,
5. To ensure participation to Office related courses, training, meetings etc.,
6. To ensure that other works and transactions given by the top managers related to the office operations are performed.